Access to your healing power and ascended self begins with feeling permission to be your true self.
This master class is a journey into the heart where permission is assumed, not granted.
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We are entering a very potent time of expansion and ascension. Your identity is changing as the planetary consciousness bathes all sentient beings in waves of high-frequency light and higher wisdom.
You may not recognize yourself as you journey through the ascension process. Joining The Sacred Circle in this master class will help you flow through the changes with less judgment and more support from your higher being.
No one can tell you who you are or are not; you define yourself from within. The time for comparing ourselves with others is over. By coming together in sacred ceremonial space, you will discover and awaken the power to heal, expand, ascend, and be luminously present.
This master class takes you out of ordinary consciousness and into extraordinary states where change is possible.
Do you want to...
Experience harmony and coherence?
Find an easier way to experience stillness and clarity?
Stop giving away your power?
Receive support from your guides and teachers?
Feel the loving embrace of Mother Earth 24/7?
Make your higher being your everyday being?
Participate in ceremony that engages your multi-dimensional being?
Awakening Together
The Way of the New Earth
When we gather in The Sacred Circle we awaken together.
We can sense when our alignment is true, our power is grounded, and when universal love radiates from our hearts.
In Permission to Heal, Expand, Ascend, and Be Luminously Present, your unique spiritual light shines so brightly that even you can't miss it!
In order to be present, we need to heal, expand, and ascend. In the process, we learn to think outside the collective illusion and recover the memories of our origin and history that are not recorded in the history books. Along the journey, we learn of our dimensionality, our divinity, and why we are drawn to life with Mother Earth. This is something worth being present for!
In This Masterclass You Will Learn
To trust your inner healing power.
Perceive subtle energies.
Speak "energy" language.
How to claim your internal center of power, discernment, resiliency, and wisdom.
To live in an expanded and grounded state.
How to receive and integrate high-frequency energy transmissions.
About the new consciousness emerging from the Heart of the Mother, The New Earth, and 5D.
To think outside the collective illusion and recover the memories of your origin that are not recorded in history books.
Transformation is possible through this master class!
High-frequency energies will be transmitted and downloaded through
The Sacred Circle; you just need to ground and relax to feel the following:
- Permission to connect to your inner healing spirit, expanded awareness, ascended consciousness, and radiant presence.
- The emergence of your free and sovereign self, beyond programmed and limiting beliefs.
- Allowing Love to guide your awakening.
- Letting go of the word—“but,” the one word that stops flow and healing.
- A revitalized relationship with Mother Earth, Father Sun, nature spirits, the sacred elements, and directions.
- The power of a sacred circle: how each participant draws the healing, expansion, and ascension energies unique to their soul.
- Clearing the dark shadows of illusion to reveal your cosmic origins and identity.
- The feminine mystery teachings on self-love.
- Tuning into and riding the wave of planetary ascension.
- Spiritual embodiment and grounding.
- Healing the split: Your consciousness enfolded in unity consciousness.
- Living by the “energy first” model.
- “Ease” as the way of the New Earth paradigm.
- Understanding your multi-dimensionality.
Permission to Heal Curriculum
- Class 1- Welcome to the Sacred Circle, where we gather to receive our high-frequency activation.
- Class 2- Return to your authentic self through a deep connection with Mother Earth.
- Class 3- Connect to the spirit of guidance and your healing spirit.
- Class 4- Experience the healing, expanding, ascending, and presence flow.
- Class 5- Learning to trust universal intelligence.
- Class 6- “Ease” is the key to the new paradigm.
Let's Immerse Into a State of Healing, Expansion, Ascension and Presence
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Meet Your Guide Sarah Weiss, MA
I am a daughter of Mother Earth and a teacher of feminine spiritual mysteries. Every breath arises from The Heart of the Mother and I breathe her love into life. She is the mother of all creation who leads us with her partner, Father Sky, to wholeness. When we return to her embrace, we discover our spirit family that ranges from earth to the stars and never feel abandoned again. This is what she has taught me in 70+ years as a child, mother, grandmother, and lover.
Mystics do not have answers, they have experiences.
My passion and spiritual directive are to enliven and empower those who desire to heal the split of heart, soul, earth, and body. I have been gifted, through spiritual transmission, with the ability to activate awareness of the loving universe, subtle energy perception, healing and soul empowerment. An initiated teacher in the Sufi, Andean, Taoist traditions I am entrusted to transmit the universal teachings of love, harmony, and beauty. I continue to honor and welcome the living teachings of the ancient ones and hope to open doors for you to a wondrous multi-dimensional human experience.
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There are no refunds offered once you. Please make sure this offer is in alignment with you at this current moment.
How long are the recordings available?
You have lifetime access to the recordings.
Will captions be provided?
Transcripts of every recording are available within each module.
Once I sign up what happens?
You will have immediate access through your Teachable dashboard. It will show up in the "Schools I'm Enrolled In" section.
What if I have issues logging in?
Try resetting your Teachable password. If you are still not able to access the class purchased, email us at [email protected].
If you still have questions, please reach out to [email protected].